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Studies of German Literature and Political Science at Konstanz University, Germany

  • Study program in English and German

  • Semester abroad in Cádiz, Spain

  • Lectorship and editorial work in long range employment as student research assistant at the Department of Literature, University of Konstanz

  • degree: Bachelor of Arts


Language experience

  • First long term stay in the US during High School (La Crescent High School, MN, USA)

  • Eight months of travelling in English and Spanish speaking countries after High School  (US, Costa Rica, Australia, Southeast Asia)

  • Two years of life and work in English and Spanish speaking countries (Spain, Caribbean, Guatemala, Mexico, US, Canada)


Lectorship of academic English texts for Peter Lang Verlag, Germany


Translation of the novel "The Stream of Remembering" by Peter Kirschner from German to English, Austria


English and Spanish translations for Stadler Verlag GmbH, Konstanz, Germany

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